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Trafalgar Cabinets

Trafalgar is a long established Australian owned family business whose name is synonymous with the supply of hazardous chemical storage cabinets.  

The Trafalgar team are proud to be fighting hard to keep manufacturing alive and well in Australia, competing hard against cheap and inferior imported Trafalgar look-a-like products.  

Trafalgar have been manufacturing dangerous goods storage cabinets for over 50 years and intend to do so for another 50 years.

From their manufacturing plant in Sydney's west, Trafalgar make a range of dangerous goods storage cabinets in a range of sizes to meet Australian Standards.  

Trafalgar's first class sheet metal workers have in excess of 50 years accumulated experience in the manufacture of hazardous goods storage cabinets.  

Their comprehensive in-house training program ensures our senior expert cabinet makers are passing their wealth of knowledge and skills onto the next generation to ensure the tradition of manufacturing cabinets in Australia continues.

Visit the Trafalgar website.

Showing: 2 Results
    Trafalgar Cabinets
    Aerosol Only Storage
    From $776.31 - $1,106.48
      Trafalgar Cabinets
      Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets
      From $1,972.03 - $4,711.45

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